The Swing Nation - A Sex Positive Swingers Podcast
The Swing Nation is a podcast by swingers, for swingers, where we look to shed a positive light on the underground world of swinging, push back against the negative stigmas associated with the lifestyle, and give an insiders perspective on what it’s like to be a consensual non-monogamous couple in the 21st century. Follow along with this top rated lifestyle podcast on our pineapple journey!
The Swing Nation - A Sex Positive Swingers Podcast
Lifestyle Interviews: Sexual Wellness with Dr. Sex Fairy
The Swing Nation Podcast
Lifestyle Interviews: Sexual Wellness with Dr. Sex Fairy | Episode 77
In this swinger podcast episode, Dan and Lacy interview Dr. Kanwal Bawa, an internet sensation and the host of the Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast. She is a sexual health expert, specializing in pain-free treatments to revitalize your sex life. She tells her story, how she went from an English literature major in India to eventually a world-renowned sexual wellness expert in the US. She shares how she was a breast cancer survivor, a beauty pageant winner who shook up the status quo, and her path to get to where she is today. You won't want to miss this inspirational episode of The Swing Nation Podcast!
Dr. Sex Fairy Podcast
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Shameless Care: ED Medication and at home STD testing
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