The Swing Nation - A Sex Positive Swingers Podcast
The Swing Nation is a podcast by swingers, for swingers, where we look to shed a positive light on the underground world of swinging, push back against the negative stigmas associated with the lifestyle, and give an insiders perspective on what it’s like to be a consensual non-monogamous couple in the 21st century. Follow along with this top rated lifestyle podcast on our pineapple journey!
The Swing Nation - A Sex Positive Swingers Podcast
Lifestyle Education: Advice for the Single Male
The Swing Nation Podcast
Lifestyle Education: Advice for the Single Male | Episode 68
In this swinger podcast episode, Dan and Lacy break down their advice for single males looking to be a part of the lifestyle. From how to respectfully approach couples and navigating play sessions to making the perfect online profile, we have suggestions for you. If you are a single male in the swinger lifestyle, this is the episode you don't want to miss! Hear all about these things and more in this episode of The Swing Nation Podcast.
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Shameless Care: ED Medication and at home STD testing
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Pinaq Liqueur; The Official Drink of The Swing Nation
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Non-monogamy Couples Course and Single Guy Mastery Course